In 2023, "Everyone Loves Jamie" captivated audiences with its compelling story and standout performances, including Ivvano Turk in the lead role. Sophie Bramley served as the video associate during the 2023 tour, contributing to the series' success. Turk, known for bringing depth and authenticity to Jamie's character, portrayed the role with nuance and emotional resonance. 
The series blended humor, drama, and relatable themes, garnering critical acclaim and several awards, including Best Drama Series. "Everyone Loves Jamie" became a cultural touchstone, highlighting its impact on television that year.
Director: Jonathan Buttrell - director
Video Designer : Luke halls
Lighting design : lucy Carter
Sound design : Paul Groothuis
Music : Dan Gillespie
Book & Lyrics : Tom Marcare
Set/ Costume design: Anna Fleischle
Choreographer : Katire Prince
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